Reusable Asset: PosoMAS Auxiliary UML Profile
A UML profile specifying stereotypes that can be used in the creation of technical design models for multi-agent systems.
Main Description

Open, self-organising multi-agent systems posess a number of specialties that call for additional markup tools that are not available in standard UML. This profile contains several stereotypes that can be used when creating UML models of agent systems that are helpful in denoting agent-specific constructs. It is available as an UML XMI file and can be easily embedded in a number of modelling tools.

It contains the following stereotypes:

agent The "agent" stereotype is used to denote those components that are implemented as agents.
external The "external" stereotype denotes operations that are externally available through the messaging interface of an agent. External operations should be marked public in the UML class diagram.
predefined   The "predefined" stereotype denotes components that are not designed and implemented by the development team but are part of the used infrastructure, purchased from external vendors, or part of the system environment.
uncertain The "uncertain" stereotype denotes properties that contain data from uncertain sources and should thus be handled specifically by the agents that base decision on them.
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