Work Product Descriptor (Artifact): Transformation rules to transform constraints into an observation model
Transformation rules to transform the generic observation model and the constraints into a platform-independent observation model.
Input ToMandatory: Optional:
  • None
  • None
Output From
Main Description

Depending on how the constraints are specified, different options are possible for the transformation rules.

If the constraints are part of the requirements model, a model-to-model transformation can be used. In such a base, tools such as QVT [OMG, 2005] can be used. QVT uses Queries on the source models to Transform them into target models, the Views. Part of the views can be pre-specified. This feature can be used to include the generic observation model into the transformation.

If the constraints are specified textually, a text-to-model transformation has to be performed. In such a case, compiler construction tools such as ANTLR [ANTLR, 2012] are valuable. They can create parsers and interpreters that output a syntax tree that can then be compiled into a model.


Object Management Group (OMG), “Meta Object Facility (MOF) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation Specification,” 2005. [Online]. Available:

ANTLR/Terrence Parr, "The ANTLR Parser Generator", 2012. [Online]. Available:
