Example: Project Plan
This is an example of a project plan taken from the Eclipse Process Framework project.
Related Elements
Main Description

1 Introduction

This plan covers the content and enablement portions of the EPF 1.0 project. A separate plan covers the tooling component.

2 Project Organization

See also: http://www.eclipse.org/epf/

The work is divided into a number of content areas. Each content area is lead by a committer that is the content lead, working closely with a number of committers and contributors. The content lead is responsible for making sure that bugs and enhancement requests are triaged and assigned, and responsible for updating the project burndown (status) on a weekly basis.

We also have a content architect (Ricardo Balduino), who is responsible for the overall structure and integration of content from all content areas.

The work is divided into the following content areas:

  • Project management: Chris Armstrong (lead), Jochen Krebs, Per Kroll
  • Requirements: Chris Sibbald (lead), Paul Bramble, Ana Paula Valente Pereira, Leonardo Medeiros, Kurt Sand, Bruce MacIsaac, Jim Ruehlin, Ricardo Balduino, and others.
  • Change management: Chris Sibbald (lead), Kurt Sand, and others.
  • Development: Brian Lyons (lead), Scott Ambler, Ricardo Balduino, and others.
  • Architecture: Mark Dickson (lead), Jim Ruehlin, Ana Pereira, Chris Doyle, and others.
  • Test: Brian Lyons (lead), Nate Oster, Jeff Smith, Dana Spears, and others.
  • General: Steve Adolph (lead),
  • Developer outreach: Per Kroll / Naveena Bereny (leads), Ricardo Balduino, Scott Ambler, Kurt Sand, and others.

3 Project Practices and Measurements

The OpenUP component team will use OpenUP practices adapted to address the fact that we are doing content development rather than coding. Key artifacts include: Project Plan (Word), Work Item List (Bugzilla + Excel), Iteration Plan (Word), and Status Assessment (Word).

Progress is tracked using two primary measurements using a point system. It is estimated that 1 point represents 2h of work:

  • Project backlog: The project backlog shows progress relative to overall work to be done within the project.
  • Iteration backlog: The iteration backlog shows progress relative to work intended for the current iteration.

4  Project Milestones and Objectives

This section covers objectives for the entire EPF 1.0 project.

  • Governance process in place, including guidelines for how to work with CVS
  • Tutorials available to help people adopt EPF composer
  • Process tools matured and usable to produce a broad set of processes and method content.
  • Basic set of interfaces / APIs defined, stabilized, and delivered.
  • Deliver basic printing capability.
  • Mature content. Deliver a mature OpenUP, and beta quality of one or more other processes, whereof one should be another agile process.
  • Generate a high level of interest around EPF v1.0. Press releases, papers, tutorials, workshops, presentations, etc.
  • Identify a broader set of process champions with an interest to contribute to EPF within a specific domain, such as MDA or project management, or a specific vertical such as telecom.
Phase Iteration Primary Objective (risks and use cases scenarios) Scheduled start or milestone Duration Estimate (calendar days)
Inception/ Warm-up M0
  • Project acceptance and provisioning.
  • IBM donation. Project environment established.
  • Committer meeting. Project organization and plan agreed to.
24 days
Elaboration M1
  • Legal process to be completed by initial committers
  • Train all committers.
  • Provision project, set up website, mailing lists, etc.
  • Agree on structure of OpenUP; agree on how to structure of OpenUP into work units, principles and resources to evolve each unit.
  • Identify outreach activities
43 days
Elaboration M2
  • Agree on naming conventions
  • Agree to key structural information for OpenUP (e.g. tasks, work products, etc. defined)
  • Engage with additional contributors
  • Agree on user experience and have a few examples for OpenUP
  • Validate extensibility / composibility of OpenUP
45 days
Elaboration M3
  • Identify an initial set of key promoters presenting at conferences, writing blogs and articles, etc.
  • Agree on general structure of OpenUP
45 days
Construction M4
  • Produce realistic plans for M5
  • Agree on a management process
  • Have all structural content decisions taken
  • Have 30% of content ready for review
  • Plan Agile2006, SD Best Practices, and other outreach activities
45 days
Construction M5
  • Finalize structure
  • Improve usability and first impression
  • Review 30% of content
  • Make additional 30% of content available for review
  • Establish a functioning management process for the project
  • Establish a review board
  • Produce initial draft collateral for EPF 1.0 launch
  • Make preview at Agile 2006 successful
  • Start to build a user community. Identify 2 pilot projects.
21 days
Construction M6
  • Improve usability and first impression
  • Have 60% of content reviewed
  • Make the final 40% of content available for review
  • Produce more draft collateral for EPF 1.0 launch
  • Continue building a user community
28 days
Transition / End Game M7
  • End game
  • Finalize content 0.9
  • Finalize launch collateral
  • Plan next release
28 days

5 Deployment


6 Lessons Learned
