This activity is repeated throughout the project lifecycle. The main goal of this activity is to validate that the
current build of the system satisfies the requirements allocated to it.
Throughout the iterations, your intent is to validate that the implemented requirements reflect a robust architecture,
and that the remaining requirements are consistently implemented on top of that architecture. As developers implement
the solution for the requirements in a given iteration, unit test the integrated source code. Then, a
tester conducts system-level testing in parallel with development to make sure that the solution, which is
continuously being integrated, satisfies the intent specified in the test cases. The tester defines what techniques to
use, what the data input is, and what test suites to create. As tests run, defects are identified and added to the work
items list, so that they can be prioritized as part of the work that you will do during iterations.
stakeholders and end-users also may also be involved in performing tests to accept the release.